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Please note: the following case study includes references to suicide. If you or someone you know needs support, please use the contact details below or call 999 in an emergency.

We understand the importance of mental health discussions but know it can be hard to spot when people are struggling, and often they may not know how to ask for help. 

Talking about mental health and the problems many of us are facing can be a powerful way to find further support, make sense of challenging circumstances, and feel less alone – this is where organisations like Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) come in.

CALM is a charity founded in 2005 that is helping to remove the stigma around talking about suicide and mental health. It encourages open conversations and provides support to people in need, a crucial service with 125 people losing their lives to suicide a week in the UK.

In 2024, CALM had 1.7 million minutes of life-saving conversations through its helplines. The most frequently visited CALM website sections include:

  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Worrying about someone
  • Loneliness and social isolation
  • Anxiety
  • Relationship breakdown
Campaign Against Living Miserably logo

We caught up with Luis Mackness, the Service Manager for CALM Clubs, to find out how CALM supports clubs and community groups, as well as to get some top tips on how to support the mental health of people within your own organisation.

CALM Clubs

CALM has always aimed to help people feel comfortable discussing their feelings; its work has focussed on men (who are statistically less likely to seek support) or participants of any clubs or groups that provide safe spaces to share their challenges.

CALM Clubs, launched in 2023, promote exactly that, with the goal of bringing together diverse groups, such as sports clubs and community organisations, to have honest conversations about mental health in safe and supportive environments.

Inspired by his own experiences, Luis reached out to CALM to forge a connection with his football team. His team were feeling the mental health benefits of being part of a community and Luis was keen to build a connection that supported their ongoing club commitment to mental health.

Aligning with CALM’s philosophy was natural, and thus CALM Clubs began.


CALM Clubs have already had a positive impact on many people across the UK. Over 230 clubs and groups have joined, ranging from small walking clubs to a large theatre group in Lincoln.

These organisations offer a place where mental health is taken seriously, and everyone is encouraged to speak up and share their struggles.

The ‘Keep On Keeping On’ running club in Manchester is a great example of CALM Clubs’ impact. The group shifted its focus after becoming a CALM Club, from prioritising fast times and personal bests to now placing mental health and wellbeing as the priority.

CALM provides free resources for groups packed with helpful information and fundraising tips. By giving organisations the tools they need, CALM helps to create spaces where mental health discussions are welcomed, not hidden away, and people are more likely to find the support or listening ear they need.

When an organisation signs up, they receive a starter pack, which includes links to materials such as posters for their meeting spaces, badges, stickers, t-shirts, and vests.

CALM also works with organisations to guide participants in accessing local and appropriate support when needed.

Three people standing and talking in a gym.

Future plans

CALM has ambitious plans for the future of CALM Clubs, with the aim of reaching even more clubs and community groups across the UK.

This includes providing more resources, offering training to volunteers, and working closely with organisations to ensure the programme remains helpful and relevant.

Currently, CALM Clubs rely on someone to sign up on behalf of a group. However, CALM plans to expand and offer a version of CALM Clubs that individuals can also sign up to.

This will provide more practical advice, and monthly messaging centred around specific subjects, CALM guides, or campaigns.

Getting started

To become a CALM Club, individuals can register on the CALM website, providing information about the organisation, community and number of members.

There are plenty of resources available to help you get started, such as the CALM C.A.R.E. Kit – a simple guide to supporting people’s mental health.

The kit includes guidance on how to talk about mental health and suicide, what to do if you're worried about someone, and where to find further information and advice.

Top tips

Here are some tips from CALM on how you can support mental health within clubs and community groups:

Create a sense of belonging
Clubs already have a community of people. Use that to start conversations around mental health in an informal and friendly way.
Start small
You don’t have to do everything all at once. Start by thinking about how your club or group is signposting to support available.

Need help? CALM hosts a life-saving suicide prevention helpline and provides vital online mental health resources for anyone who needs them. Visit