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This is Buddle - the new home of Club Matters.

We share the latest information, training and tools to help clubs and organisations overcome challenges and make the most of the opportunities available to them.

We're passionate about enabling organisations to be safe, inclusive, agile and resilient enough to secure their long-term future and unlock the advantages of sport and physical activity for everyone.

Latest news

The Pedal for Paris logo, with two stylised cyclists pictured alongside the words Pedal for Paris, in which the a of Paris is the Eiffel Tower and the cyclists helmets are leaves.

Pedal for Paris

Learn more about the eight-day ride led by Sport England chair and former Olympic cycling champion Chris Boardman to galvanise action on climate change, and sign a new pledge on behalf of your organisation to become more sustainable.

Sign the pledge

Buddle community

Open Minds Active

Exploring Open Minds Active and their work to improve mental health and wellbeing through inclusive, accessible swimming lessons and open water swimming.

Find out more

A group of women wearing wetsuits pose for a picture in a lake - pic credit: Orca