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Pedal for Paris

Learn more about the eight-day ride led by Sport England chair and former Olympic cycling champion Chris Boardman to galvanise action on climate change, and sign a new pledge on behalf of your organisation to become more sustainable.

Sign the pledge

The Pedal for Paris logo, with two stylised cyclists pictured alongside the words Pedal for Paris, in which the a of Paris is the Eiffel Tower and the cyclists helmets are leaves.

Is your group green enough?

No matter what colour your kit is, you should be green. And by that, we mean environmentally friendly. 

You can do a lot to save the planet, from choosing sustainable snacks, to planting wildflowers in the corner of your field. 

There's lots of advice for you here - plus some inspiration to get you going, starting with this video... 

Get inspired: a video on understanding sustainability

We’re in a climate change emergency. 

It's vital that organisations consider their environmental impact and do their bit to tackle climate change. Global warming could impact on our health, daily lives, eco-systems, facilities and doing the things we love, like sport. 

This animation explores the importance of sustainable practices and identifies ways for your group to take action and embed sustainability in everything you do.  

Becoming more environmentally sustainable

a woman is practising curling and stretching towards the camera

How can your group go green?

To successfully tackle climate change, we all need to change our behaviours.

Making a commitment to change is the first important step. It takes someone with passion, interest, and perseverance to start the conversation and get others on board.

Our hints and tips will help you work out how you can become more environmentally sustainable... for your sake and the planet's. 

Want to know more?

Climate change and the environment

A wide-angle view of a club cricket match, with a row of tall trees in the background

Writing a policy and action plan

Want to do your bit for the environment but don’t know where to start?

Check out our guidance on tackling climate change at your organisation, from small individual actions to bigger changes.

Find out how to write an environmental sustainability policy and then an action plan to set out the steps you’ll take to reach your commitments or ambitions. 

Get started

Active travel

Two cyclists ride side by side in a park

What's it all about?

Encouraging active travel is a powerful way to reduce your organisation's environmental impact.

Walking, cycling, scooting, skating or wheeling are the most environmentally friendly ways to travel – and there are plenty of other benefits too.

Check out our guidance on how to encourage people to pick sustainable options to get to and from your activities.

Learn more

Case studies

Passivhaus perfection

Find out more about Werehall Village Hall in Norfolk - a model of excellence. It's beautiful, sustainable, and much-loved by the local community. 

Continue reading

Wereham Village Hall, a smart timber-clad building with honey-coloured wood, surrounded by a field and trees
St Sitwell's in Exeter - one of the pools at this low-carbon leisure centre, with wooden beams on the ceiling and lots of huge windows

Energy saving sports centre

Read about how St Sidwell's Point Leisure Centre in Exeter, a stunning example of an sustainable sports facility for the community, came to being.

Check out its eco-credentials

Recycling kit and equipment

Action for Sport is committed to promoting sport, preventing barriers and protecting the environment by recyling kit and equipment.

See how you can get involved

An overhead view of some playing fields