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A group of young cyclists in bright yellow and orange are listening to their coach but they're keen to get going

Why use newsletters?

Newsletters can be a great way to advertise your offer, promote events, send competition updates and share general news. Sharing newsletters by email is a cost-effective way to communicate. 

It is a good way to stay connected with your members especially those who perhaps do not follow social media or check in on your website often. 

  • Sending newsletters by email is a cost-effective option and becoming increasingly more popular than print. However, it is important to consider who you want to communicate with before you rule print out altogether.
  • There are many free and easy to use websites to help you build your newsletter and tailor the style to suit your group. 

Are they right for you?

For some organisations, electronic newsletters work well, but not everyone needs to use them. Think about the pros and cons before you spend time setting up a newsletter. 


  • Cost effective and sustainable: think of all the paper and money you are saving by not printing. You avoid having to get someone to deliver them door to door also. 

  • Link up: you can send people to your website or social media accounts through links on your newsletter.

  • Communication: electronic newsletters are good to keep your members up-to-date. Once they are set up, they are relatively quick to send, so you can get information to them fast. 


  • Some people are reluctant to share their email address but building and maintaining a good database of contacts is worth the effort.

  • Electronic newsletter open rates are dropping as more and more people are blocking them as unwanted emails or junk mail.

  • Standing out: there is a chance your newsletter will get lost amongst the emails in your recipient's mailbox. If you have an important message, you want them to receive, you may need to follow up with them in another way.

Getting started

If you’ve decided an electronic newsletter is a good tool for your club, remember to consider a few key questions: 

  • What do you want to tell people by sending out newsletters? Who do you want to receive them? 

  • Have you got an up-to-date database of contacts? 

  • Who will be responsible for creating the newsletter and writing stories? Get someone involved who has the knowledge, passion and interest, to create a successful newsletter.

  • Consider how frequently you want to send out newsletters.