If you want to attract young people to your group, then you need to show them that it's fun!
So how can you do this...?
Here are our top tips...
If you want to attract young people to your group, then you need to show them that it's fun!
So how can you do this...?
Here are our top tips...
So how do you know what people will enjoy?
The answer is... you ask them.
Here's how you can go about researching what your local community might enjoy.
Find out what social media channels are used by the children and young people in your area. It might be Snapchat, X, Instagram, Facebook. Or maybe they would prefer texting. Ask them! You can then use the same channels to communicate with them.
Consider if there are any local partners, such as schools, uniformed organisations or local charities, that could help you reach your target market.
Promote the ways your organisation can meet the needs of children and young people as widely as possible.
Use any insight you may have into the barriers and motivations of young people in your area to design promotional activities. Promote the benefits of being part of your organisation.
Encourage young people to get involved in the running of your organisation. Include them in decision-making. You could set up a youth committee.
Listen to what young people say and act on it. Let them shape the organisation and have a sense of ownership over the activities.
Make sure your policies and practices can be easily explained to children and young people. You may want to create simplified versions specifically for your younger members. They need to understand what is expected of them, and what mechanisms are in place to support them.
Consider the role of parents, carers and families, as they play a key role in shaping experiences. Adults are usually needed for moral, practical and financial support.
There's a lot you can do to create enjoyable experiences for children and young people.
Here are the basics...
Find out about choosing the right channels, reaching the right people and keeping it safe.
Find out your requirements when it comes to safeguarding young people, how to do it and where to get the best advice.
How to responsibly manage the safety of participants of all ages...