The video starts with ‘What is Buddle’ written across a white background in large font.
Each letter of ‘Buddle’ is a different colour, going from purple, to navy, turquoise, orange, red, and light blue.
Underneath the logo, the text reads ‘supported by Sport England’ and the Sport England logo is displayed.
The white background is bordered by a multi-coloured line with the same colours as the ‘Buddle’ text.
Throughout the video, cheerful, unrecognisable, music is plays in the background.
The screen transitions, using the Buddle colour palette from earlier, and changes to a scene of people playing different sports, dressed in brightly coloured clothes.
The background is white with a multi-coloured border, the border then fades away.
Two people, including a wheelchair user, are throwing a purple ball to each other, an adult and child are kicking a red ball to each other, two people are hitting a shuttlecock to each other.
A person cycles through the background.
Subtitles appear in white text on a dark grey background.
The voiceover says:
‘Sports clubs and community organisations are at the heart of providing safe, inclusive and enjoyable opportunities for people to take part, volunteer, and work in sport and physical activity’.
The headings ‘Safe’ ‘Inclusive’ and ‘Enjoyable’ appear along the top of the screen.
Two people, one with a t-shirt which reads ‘volunteer’, carry a large, purple letter ‘b’, and place it in the middle of the foreground.
The voiceover continues to say, ‘Being involved in a club or community organisation can be exciting and hugely rewarding, but it can also be challenging, especially when things don’t run smoothly or go to plan’.
The letter ‘b’ falls over during the voiceover.
The people in the foreground reach to pick up the letter, which prompts the people playing sport to raise their arms and cheer.
The screen transitions, using the Buddle colour palette from earlier.
A new scene appears on a white background, of four people in brightly coloured clothes, two on each side of the screen, holding a black rope.
Together, they slowly lower a large, blue, letter ‘u’ from the top of the screen using ropes.
Multicoloured headings ‘Social’ ‘Health’ ‘Recreation’ and ‘Competition’ then appear at the bottom of the screen.
The people begin playing tug-of-war with the rope and letter ‘u’.
The voiceover says:
‘No matter whether it’s for social, health, recreation, or competitive reasons, if your organisation brings people together to take part in sport or physical activity, or you support the people that do, Buddle’s here to help you’.
As the voiceover ends, the two people on the left of the screen pulling the rope away from the team on the right. The people gesticulate and smile.
The screen transitions, using the Buddle colour palette from earlier, to show a new a new scene.
A person with a blade (prosthetic leg) is standing on the left of the screen, next to a flipchart which reads ‘understand’ and ‘respond’.
They begin presenting to four people to the right of the screen.
One of them is sat on a large, turquoise, letter ‘d’ as they watch the presentation, another is a wheelchair user.
The voiceover says:
‘We are on a mission to understand and respond to the sector’s needs by providing free, accessible, bite-sized, learning and support resources designed to inspire and strengthen clubs, community organisations, and the professionals that work with them’.
During the voiceover, multi-coloured speech bubbles appear over 3 of the people on the right, reading ‘Free’ ‘Accessible’ and ‘Bite-sized’.
The speech bubbles fade and are replaced with new ones that read, ‘Clubs’, ‘Professionals’ and ‘Community Organisations’, a light bulb also appears, and some of the people raise their arms to indicate strength.
The screen transitions, using the Buddle colour palate from earlier, to show a new scene.
Two people push a large, orange, letter ‘d’ into the scene from the right, towards an adult and child on the left, stopping just after pushing it past them.
The background is white, all of the characters are wearing brightly coloured clothes.
The voiceover says:
‘We’re passionate about enabling organisations to overcome their challenges, achieve their goals, and thrive by ensuring people feel safe, welcome and included’.
The words ‘Overcome’ ‘Achieve’ and ‘Thrive’ fade in and out of the screen one at a time, in time with the voiceover.
A blue ball is thrown from the top left of the screen towards the adult and child.
The child catches the ball as the two people who pushed the letter onto the scene wipe sweat from their foreheads.
The child throws the ball into the air, and it bounces off the screen.
The voiceover continues to say:
‘Recruiting and retaining volunteers, participants, and staff. Generating income and managing their money. Being well run and communicating effectively. Connecting and collaborating with their local community. Being agile enough to respond to challenges and opportunities. Securing the right places or spaces to play, and being sustainable and resilient’.
In time with the voiceover, different coloured balls are caught and thrown by the adult and child.
As they throw the balls, corresponding text and icons are shown on the screen, each ball then bounces off the screen.
The headings are ‘Recruiting people’, ‘Generating income’, ‘Communicating effectively’, ‘Connecting with communities’, ‘Responding to challenges’, ‘Securing the right place’ and ‘Being sustainable’.
The icons shown are a magnifying glass with a person inside it, a pound sign, a loudspeaker, four hands and forearms, a graph with a magnifying glass over the top of it, a sports pitch and a recycling sign with a hand in the middle.
The screen transitions, using the Buddle colour palette from earlier to show a new scene.
A white background appears.
As the voiceover starts, children and adults enter the scene wearing brightly coloured clothes and carrying irregularly shaped red blocks and a pink ball.
They walk to the centre of the screen and place the blocks on-top of each other, creating the letter ‘l’.
The voiceover says:
‘We know that every club, community organisation, and volunteer is unique, so we work with experts to create and share the latest information, training and tools that you can tailor to meet your individual needs and circumstances’.
During the voiceover, the headings ‘Information’ ‘Training’ and ‘Tools’ appear at the top of the screen.
A child on the left of the scene bounces the pink ball throughout the voiceover.
The screen transitions, using the Buddle colour palate to show a new scene.
The background is white, two children play catch with a blue ball, a pregnant female stretches on a pink mat and a male wheelchair user reads a notice board.
Two people roll a light blue letter ‘e’ past another person who is standing in the middle of the foreground.
They stop on the right of the screen.
The voiceover says, ‘Whatever sport or physical activity you’re engaged with, we’d welcome you to join our network and use Buddle’s resources’.
The person in the foreground pulls out their phone as the voiceover says:
‘There are lots of ways you can do this, including: visiting our website to search for what you need or checking our latest advice and guidance’.
During the voiceover, the Buddle logo and a red speech bubble with 5 white stars appear above the person’s phone.
In the top left corner, the heading ‘Visiting our website’ appears.
The voiceover continues to say:
‘Watching our animations to find out more about different topics’.
The Buddle logo changes to the YouTube logo and the heading ‘Watching our animations’ appears in the top left corner, underneath the previous heading.
The voiceover continues to say:
‘Engaging with our expert tutors and other organisations by booking onto our practical workshops’.
The heading ‘Engaging with our workshops’ appears underneath the previous heading.
The voiceover continues to say:
‘Using our online tools to see what you’re doing well and identify areas for development’ as the heading ‘Using our online tools’ appears underneath the previous heading.
The voiceover continues to say:
‘Engaging with our informative blogs, web pages, guidance notes and templates.’
A person on a skateboard carrying headphones travels towards the person standing in the middle of the screen.
As this happens, the heading ‘Engaging with our content’ appears on the left of the screen.
As the person on the skateboard stops in the middle of the screen, the voiceover says:
‘Finding out about the work of other clubs and organisations by exploring our inspirational stories and case studies’.
The person on the skateboard puts their headphones on and the heading ‘Finding out about others’ appears on the left of the screen.
The two people standing next to the letter ‘e’ begin rolling the letter off the screen to the right as the voiceover says:
‘Keeping up to date with our news and contacting our team.’
The screen transitions, using the Buddle colour palette to show a new scene.
To the left of the screen, a person is sitting at a desk looking at a computer screen with the Buddle website open.
In the centre is a signpost with three signs - ‘Visit our website’, ‘Contact us’, and ‘More information’.
The background is white.
To the right of the signpost, two children, wearing brightly coloured t-shirts and shorts, are playing catch with a navy-blue ball.
The voiceover says:
‘To get started and find out more, visit our website’.
As the voiceover ends, one of the children throws the ball off the screen to the right.
The screen changes to follow the ball which bounces along the Buddle logo and falls after the ‘e’, creating a full stop.
The multicoloured border from the opening scene fades back in and the music fades out.
The Buddle logo drifts to the top of the screen, and the Sport England and National Lottery logos fade into the centre of the screen.
At the bottom of the screen, the Buddle website address, ‘’, and Sport England website address, ‘’ fade in.
The video ends.