Follow our guidance for help with identifying new opportunities, doing a skills audit, breaking roles into tasks and delegating effectively.
Skills, roles and tasks
Identifying new volunteering opportunities

Understanding your needs
Explore how your organisation can understand its volunteering needs and break volunteering roles into smaller tasks.
Undertaking a skills audit

Map out workforce needs
Find out more about how a community sports organisation can complete a skills audit to map out what they need from their workforce now and in the future.
Task based volunteering

Breaking roles into tasks
Find out more about task-based volunteering, its benefits, and how you can implement it to support you to succeed.
Delegation guide

Delegate effectively
It can be challenging to delegate tasks, but nobody can run a group without some help! Here's how you can effectively delegate and keep everyone onside.
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Try our example description templates for various roles to help with your workforce.

Having a helpful induction to their role or specific tasks can be a great addition to how community sports organisations welcome their volunteers.

It is important to provide development and training opportunities for their volunteers. Check out our guidance on how community sports organisations can do this.