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Exploring inclusion with Spencer Lynx

Showcasing the inclusive work of Spencer Lynx Hockey Club and lower socio-economic groups in their community.

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Your Views

A guide and bank of questions to help your organisation better understand the experience you provide for your participants and volunteers.

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Hinckley Town Tennis Club

See how Hinckley Town Tennis Club engage Ukrainian refugees living in their area and provide sporting and social opportunities to enable them to come together and be part of life at the club.

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NETBALLHer is an education programme that aims to drive change and normalise conversations on topics around the female body.

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Black Girls Ruck

Black Girls Ruck is a rugby group committed to the inclusion and amplification of Black female voices in rugby.

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Welcome to Buddle – the artist formerly known as Club Matters

Don’t worry, Club Matters hasn’t gone anywhere; we’ve just got a fresh, friendly, inclusive new look – we hope you like it!

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Barton Inclusive FC

Barton Inclusive FC provides inclusive football opportunities to disabled people, thanks in great part to their strong volunteer base.

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We Are Undefeatable

Learn how the campaign is helping people to create inclusive clubs and organisations that provide for disabled people and people with long-term health conditions.

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SPICE ice-skating club

SPICE is an ice-skating club for children and young people with special needs, which has also been really successful in attracting young volunteers.

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Beeston Hockey Club

This partnership shows how Belong Nottingham and Beeston Hockey Club offer positive experiences to the participants involved, and how they have learned about recognising and overcoming barriers.

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Dance Action Zone Leeds

How Dance Action Zone Leeds supported young people's physical and mental wellbeing through Covid-19.

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Tunbridge Wells Hockey Club

How Tunbridge Wells Hockey Club is engaging disabled participants by creating an inclusive Flyerz section.

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Soul Swimmers

How Scottish swimming group Soul Swimmers is prioritising inclusivity and offering additional sporting provision to Black women.

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Portsmouth triathletes

How Portsmouth triathletes provide an inclusive environment for people with long-term health conditions, while providing a friendly, supportive atmosphere where everyone feels they fit in.

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Poplar BMX

Poplar BMX showcase how they have worked with Access Sport to create an inclusive environment for the whole community.

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Disability Inclusion Hub - tool

Use this tool to explore how accessible your organisation is for disabled people.

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LGBTQ+ inclusivity

The LGBTQ+ community can face barriers to taking part in sport, so we've put together some tips for embedding LGBTQ+ inclusion into community sports organisations.

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Supporting wellbeing through community

Supporting mental wellbeing within your community sports organisation and creating positive experiences to meet different needs.

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Engaging disabled people

How can community sports organisations create inclusive environments for disabled people and people living with long-term health conditions? Read on to find out!

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Older adults

Advice and guidance on providing grassroots sports and physical activity opportunities to older adults.

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Ethnically diverse communities

Insight and guidance for organisations to become more inclusive to ethnically diverse communities, including top tips, barriers to look out for and where to go for professional training.

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Hardship funds

Here's why every good group should have a hardship fund...

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Chelsea Handball Club

How a club have been able to develop an inclusive culture by rethinking their approach and identifying shared values.

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Engaging lower socio-economic groups

How to reach out across the class barriers, to help everyone enjoy exercise...

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Creating a family offer

Welcoming the entire family to your group...

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Creating enjoyable experiences for children and young people

Make your group a happy place for younger members...

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Engaging women and girls

How to smash gender barriers to taking part in sport...

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Wigan St Judes ARLFC

Wigan St Judes ARLFC explain the different ways they found to maximise their facility and to create an engaging and inclusive environment for their community.

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Role of parents and carers

How to encourage parents and carers to support their children's sporting activities...

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Children and young people

How to get children and young people involved in your group - for their benefit and yours...

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Learning opportunities

Explore a wide range of workshops designed to help clubs and community organisations get organised, be more inclusive, develop and grow, get help from people and deal with money matters.

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Creating an inclusive culture

Learn about protected characteristics and how the Equality Act impacts on what you do as an organisation.

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Understanding and communicating with people

A happy group is a productive group and a motivated one. We've got advice on how to learn more about your people - and keep them coming back.

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Working with different groups

How to benefit from diversity and provide for the different groups of people that want to get active. Which is, well, everyone!

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Accessible facilities

Making your space safe and welcoming for everyone...

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Being inclusive

Find out more about creating welcoming and inclusive environments, connecting with your community and diversifying your offer.

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Diversifying your offer

Advice and examples of how organisations are working with participants to provide inclusive sport and physical activity opportunities.

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Your stories

A collection of inspirational case studies and stories that showcase best practice and success across the sector.

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Disability Inclusion Hub

Find out how this Buddle tool lets you explore how accessible your organisation is for disabled people.

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